1st dollar defense (FDD) is sometimes called a Loss Only Deducible. What ever the name the meaning is the same. Certain professional liability insurers for attorneys and accountants offer this coverage. With FDD the insured is only responsible for the deductible if there is an indemnity payment required on the claim. Without FDD the deductible is due as claims expenses or indemnity payments are incurred. If the claim that is made results in no indemnity payment then there will not be a deductible owed for that claim. The other advantage of having FDD is that with many Attorney & Accountant Malpractice Insurance claims the time between when a claim is made and an indemnity payment is due could be could be many months if not years. This means the insured can hold on to the deductible payment until the claim is settled.
Some Malpractice Insurance Carriers offer a zero dollar deductible option for attorneys and accountants. The reason that a zero dollar deductible quote would not contain a FDD option is because with a zero dollar deductible there is no deductible payment whether there is an indemnity payment or not. The zero dollar deductible is the ultimate 1st dollar defense option.