Don’t Be a Defendant: Best Practices for Claims Counsel
Sponsored by LawyerGuard
Wednesday, February 21 | 12:00 PM (EST)
The tripartite relationship between claims defense counsel, the insured, and the insurer can be tricky, fraught with potential for misunderstanding, disappointed expectations, and conflict. Recently, claims defense counsel have even become the target of legal malpractice actions brought by insurance companies.
Avoid this and other only slightly less-expensive outcomes by joining DRI on Wednesday, February 21 at 11:00 AM CST for the webinar, “Don’t Be a Defendant: Best Practices for Claims Counsel“. Benefit from a discussion by a veteran legal malpractice and ethics defense lawyer and an experienced claims professional as they cover best practices in file management, communication, preparation, and collaboration in the defense of claims. Experienced and new lawyers alike will benefit from this fast-paced, information-filled conversation.
You can also earn up to 1.20 CLE credit hours for attending.
Please note for CLE Credit:
During the presentation, a letter will randomly appear. This will happen 3 times. Please write down each letter as, together, they will serve as your “CLE Password”.
CLE credit has been applied for in all states that require CLE.
Click the link below and reserve your spot today for this FREE webinar!
222 S. Riverside Plz. | Ste. 1870 | Chicago, IL 60606