Best Passwords to Use to get Hacked

April 23, 2019

World Wide Web

The last few blogs have been about cyber and data breaches.  We have blogged about passwords before, but sometimes the victims make it way too easy for the criminals.  I know you should not blame the victims for the crime, but number one on the password list was used over 23 million times in public databases of breached accounts according to a recent BBC Article.

Seriously if you want to be hacked, here are the best passwords to use in order of use:

1.       “123456”

2.       “123456789”

3.       “qwerty”

4.       “password” 

and rounding out the top five

5.       “1111111”

To read the rest of the BBC article

Click Here

So, if you are going to use these or any other easy to guess passwords, make sure your cyber insurance is up to date.


Lee Norcross 
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Lee Norcross, MBA, CPCU

Managing Director, CEO

(616) 940-1101 Ext. 7080 

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