For those of you looking for another legal specialty, why not space law.
Just think you could be working for Elon Musk or Richard Branson to name a few in a galaxy far far away. So when the Russian satellite collides with Chinese space junk, you may be able to represent one of the parties in space court in the final frontier. Or if France decides to annex part of the moon, you could help litigate the dispute to the highest court.
In all seriousness, as activity increases in space there will need to be more laws govern how everyone works and lives together in space. Currently in the US there are 2 law schools, University of Nebraska and University of Mississippi that offer degree-bearing programs in space law. NPR recently had a program devoted to Space Law.
The United Nations has an Office of Space Affairs with two major treaties, the Outer Space Treaty and the Moon Agreement to provide general guidance. Much case law will be developed in future years.
So if you are interested in helping mediate issues with Vulcan a place to start would be the International Institute of Space Law.
The hardest part may be getting your attorney malpractice insurance coverage for planetary disputes.